As you can see from my last post regarding my son Aidan, Preserving the Safety of Group Home Residents, passing Billy Cray’s Law is more necessary than ever. Incidents like that are preventable, or at the very least, they can be mitigated by the additional supervision and security this bill would provide.

“Could’ve, Should’ve, Would’ve” is Not Enough

The staff at my son’s group home should have, could have, and would have been able to intervene on his behalf if they were aware the incident was in progress. Additionally, video footage would provide the visual information necessary to prevent incidents like this from occurring in the future.


You Can Make a Difference

New Jersey State Senator Joseph F. Vitale refuses to release this bill for a public hearing. The public has a right to advocate for this critical bill, so contact him for our voices to be heard!

New Jersey State Senate President, Nicholas P. Scutari, can be a powerful ally in persuading Senator Vitale to release this bill.

This online petition to pass Billy Cray’s Law is under 400 signatures away from reaching 5,000!